there must, I thought, be a great deal to conceal if he takes such pains to hide it.
b4887897968has quoted3 years ago
A ghastly hunger gnaws her entrails;
b4887897968has quoted3 years ago
in the middle of the shadows, a white, nacreous glimmer
b4887897968has quoted3 years ago
my little flame caved in and I was left in absolute darkness
b4887897968has quoted3 years ago
the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer,'
Elinahas quoted3 years ago
Sheltered as my life had been, how could I have failed, even in the world of prim bohemia in which I lived, to have heard hints of his world?
Elinahas quoted3 years ago
in the midst of my bridal triumph, I felt a pang of loss as if, when he put the gold band on my finger, I had, in some way, ceased to be her child in becoming his wife.
Zaure Janussakovahas quoted5 years ago
the sheer carnal avarice of it
Zaure Janussakovahas quoted5 years ago
aristos who’d escaped the guillotine had an ironic fad of tying a red ribbon round their necks at just the point where the blade would have sliced it through, a red ribbon like the memory of a wound.
Mariana Azcárraga Quizahas quoted5 years ago
'There is a striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer,'