Most people have heard about the experiments that Russian scientist Pavlov performed on dogs. The main idea was this. If you consistently ring a bell whenever you provide a dog with food, eventually the dog will salivate from the sound of the bell alone. Lenin, the leader of Russia at the time, was deeply moved by this discovery and is said to have declared, “This guarantees the future of the revolution.” What most people don’t know is there was more to the experiments.
First you ring the bell and give the dog its food. Once the dog gets used to this, it gets confused if you don’t give it food. If the dog gets worked up, you give the food as promised. But if you approach the dog calmly and ring the bell nonstop without giving it food, the dog will soon become extremely anxious. Not so much because it wants the food, but from a desperate need for the “predictable, stable sequence” of the bell signaling mealtime. If you then ring the bell and give the food as usual, the dog will become reassured and salivate on cue.
From there, if you immerse the dog in water or otherwise make it feel its life to be in danger, it will completely forget about the “habit” it was forced to learn. Meanwhile, the very personality of the dog will change.