“You look like you should stop saying you’re going to kiss me, Prince Dracula.” He flinched as if my words had stung him. I drew his face back to me. “And just do it, Cresswell.”
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
“You’re dressed for sneaking about Dracula’s castle. Be still my thawing, dark heart. You certainly know how to make a young man feel alive, Wadsworth.”
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
I’d overcome death, and destruction, and heartache, and would not let any of those dark times define me. I was the rose with thorns my mother knew me to be.
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
“You are most certainly going to be the death of my dignity, Wadsworth.”
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
No matter how much Thomas pretended otherwise, he was still a man.
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
“I do agree that love is wonderful,” I began slowly, not wanting to offend, “but there’s also a certain magic in being perfectly content with one’s own company. I believe greatness lies within. And is ours to harness or unleash at will.”
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
If one simply looks to others for their opinions, they lose the ability to think critically for themselves. Progress would never be made if everyone appeared and thought and loved in the same manner.”
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
Saints drag me to Hell.
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quoted17 days ago
I didn’t care if he expelled me from the course for my insubordination. I would not be treated as if my mind were inferior because I’d been blessed with the ability to bear children.
Ljubica Vujasinovichas quotedlast month
“You would miss me terribly and know it. Just as I would miss you in ways I cannot fathom, should we ever part.”