Cliffs and rocky outcrops tower menacingly before him.
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
racked by many years
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
Dying I came into the world. (EDVARD MUNCH)
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
Yes, this could be good with time. All it needs is a few small blemishes to be really good. (EDVARD MUNCH – 1863–1944)
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
confide to his friend
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
In other places there is only death, putrefaction and slime.
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
Has chosen to step on Norwegian soil. His soil.
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
but up the steep slope it does have a spacious house with a garden.
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
He gazes expectantly at the onlookers on the quay, perhaps thinking of the old pictures of the enemy. But what drove him out of the country was a woman.
rayocrihas quoted7 years ago
Is it in a glass jar, has it turned to ashes or to earth while the rest of his body is living tissue and ageing cells?