Rule My Heart! is a collection of poems by author, artist, and teaching pastor Domenic Marbaniang. Poems include, Rule My Heart!, Flee Lust!, Protect Your Heart,Winds of Change, The World A Wily Tradesman, A Tale of Something and Nothing, Delay Is Not Denial, Beauty for Ashes,The Rain, Conquer This Self!, The Heart of Faith,How Quickly Do the Cycles Run, My Lines Have Fallen In Pleasant Places, Round of the Year, The Passion, The Key to Wisdom, The Lightning Or The River of Light
You're a Hero, Deliverance from Myself, Cover Me Savior!, To The Ground My Face!, Peace, Bloom Where You've Been Planted, How Old Have We Grown, The World Is Not Your End, The Rainbow, By The Gate Called Beautiful, Man Beyond Nothingness, and others