I have been editing The Knowing Field international
constellations journal since 2004, reading and correcting other
people’s writing. During this time I have gathered a lot of
information from all these various authors and it has been a very
satisfying experience watching the constellations field expand and
develop during this time.
More recently, several friends and acquaintances have asked
me why I didn’t write my own book. So I started to think about
it. What could I write about that hadn’t already been said? A
substantial number of books have been written on constellation
work. I thought I didn’t have anything original to offer. However,
as I considered it more deeply, I realised that the majority of the
books written are really aimed at people already involved with
constellations. Very few exist which are geared towards the ordinary
person in the street who knows nothing at all about the therapy
world, constellations or any other kind of alternative approach.
People who will probably never get to the point of asking for help,
taking that all-important step forwards. What could I offer them
that might give them some inspiration? A new thought? A new
idea? A new image maybe?
Then I thought about the visualisations I have done and how
they get straight through to a person’s soul in a way that explaining
about the work never can. Having benefited so much myself
from these visualisations (mainly coming from Bert Hellinger), I
know how powerful they can be and I hope that their power will
reverberate through you as a reader. So then I came up with the
idea of writing a book accompanied by a number of visualisations
so the reader could also absorb the work through their
right brain – the image-making, intuitive part, which for me, has
a more direct route to the soul.
So here is the sum total of these musings. I hope you enjoy
it. If you feel sufficiently touched by what is written that you
feel brave enough to go and do the work for yourself, I invite
you to do so. There are many people now offering this work. You
just need to key in Hellinger or Constellations (minus stars) on
However, I’m also hoping that for those of you who either
don’t feel brave enough or can’t afford to attend a workshop or
individual session, this book will go some way towards helping
you to make some changes in your lives. ( Barbara Morgan)