Munindra Misra

Shiv Gita

Shiv Gita (song) in simple English rhyme are teaching imparted by Lord Shiv to Sri Ram. They are from the Padma Puran, Uttar Khand and precedes the Bhagwat Gita. They clearly shows the path for salvation for the whole of humanity.

Gita and Ramayana are perhaps the sum total of the fabrics of Hinduism (a way of life).

The Gita (song) are teaching by Divine or ancient revered holy rishis teaching both metaphysics and practice of disciplined action. They proclaims that life is worth living, teaches how it should be lived and the path to self-realisation. They are the cream of the Upanishads, which themselves are the core of the Four Vedas.
112 printed pages
Original publication
Publication year
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