In 2014, a new Western Mysteries magical training course was launched online, for free, by British adept Josephine McCarthy and German adept Frater Acher. The course was named Quareia – the quarry; a self-study course where the apprentice is slowly and carefully forged into a magical adept. The lesson modules have now been made available in paperback form, due to popular demand. Each paperback work book contains two modules from the thirty module course.
The Quareia magical course has three sections: Apprentice, Initiate, and Adept. Each section has five books, and each book contains two of the study modules. Each study module covers eight lessons of in depth study on the module subject. Each book of lessons builds on the ones before it, so we suggest that you work with the books in sequence
Book five is the last of the apprentice section books, and contains module nine and ten: Planetary Powers, and Understanding Destruction.
The Quareia course is written by British adept Josephine McCarthy, and together with Frater Acher, the two magicians have presented this course as a complete training method that is not aligned to any specific magical system, rather it reflects the underlying foundations of western magic itself.