Life is a continuous poem. The third chapter of the journey continues with the poetry of one mans life. The good days and the bad days have been written about in his fi rst two books. As he continues on his journey with God, his desire to know God in a deeper way continues. Inspired by Bible passages from Revelation, the Gospel of John, 1 Peter, Galatians, Matthews Gospel, 1 and 2 Timothy, Ephesians, Jeremiah, Micah, 2 Corinthians, Hebrews, Philippians, Psalms, and everyday life, the trust in his faith in God allows poetry to become a searching of his soul. Poems about his life that he never though he could write, much less talk about, have now been written. They are now an open book for all to read. This is a journey that others have followed as it was written and, at times, have seen themselves in the poetry. The poems are about despair and what God repaired; they are about the joy of understanding Gods written word; they are about the hope we all can have through Gods son, Jesus; they are about our yesterdays, our todays, and our tomorrows living as children of God; they are poems of praise to God for his blessings. His hope is that the reader fi nds hope in the poetry of his daily life.