In addition, direct vision on an object about 20 feet away. If it helps, gaze out the window. Maintain that focus anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
Think also about the concepts you disliked. Did you find something annoying—something that you already knew or heard before? Don’t disregard the areas that you resist or find annoying, because they offer important clues to growth and development.
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
Purpose has power!
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
Since purpose has such power, the next time you sit down to read, set a goal or purpose. Determine beforehand what you want or hope to gain from the material.
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
It knows what to tune out and where to turn its attention. In other words, if you want your mind to know and pursue your goals and intentions, you must identify and clearly state them
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
If reading for an assignment, you might ask why the instructor assigned the chapter or section. Two universal examples include: What can I get out of this material or How will this reading help me ?
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
It’s like giving it the box cover of a jigsaw puzzle
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
It may not seem like a big deal to you, but to the mind, it’s huge.
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
In other words, we respond to people not based on what they are saying, but on what we assume they are going to say
Gabriel Omar Pérez Hernandezhas quoted2 years ago
And we respond not based on the actual question someone asks, but on the question the mind believes is being asked