The following historical document is an amalgamation of facts established by some of the world's best free thinking, non-indoctrinated scholars and minds concerning history and truth. The foundations of this book rely heavily on quotes, timelines and cross referencing with the benefits of hindsight from a rare standpoint in history.
It is unlikely that the learned reader will receive these historical accounts comfortably. Nevertheless, the reality and consequences of this true unbiased modern history remain. If the democratic world learns nothing from the past or persists in false historical indoctrination, deadly manipulations will repeat with all certainty towards genocide and the demise of all freedoms. The stakes have never been higher.
Millions of lives can be saved or lost as Earth launches deeper into unprecedented new technologies and stealthy, deadly weapons aimed at mass depopulation. The Australian and global circumstances now necessitate urgent action with stark awareness in the highest seats of national power. Some increased awareness is also required for the military, the media, and the democratic peoples of the world.
Australia and the democratic nations are currently plagued and saturated with traitors in leadership and power positions. The citizenry is being poisoned and devastated by new subtle, stealth weaponry. There are many enemies within, and beyond the national borders.
Contrast the following summary of modern history in truth, against the forced propaganda of the compromised "official" learning institutions of the Western world.