Victoria Larque

Demon Rising

Desperate times make for enticing and dangerous bedfellows.
Fane is done living in Hell, and there is little time until her newest Maester has unrestricted ownership over her. When an Angel is captured and held in the Deep, she knows he might be her only chance at freedom – for only an Angel can break the demonic bond tethering her to Hell.
Mihr was ambushed by a bunch of Demons, who dragged him straight to the underworld. Now one of the Hellspawn – a sexy Demoness – offers him a way out. A forbidden way. He spent his life fighting her kind and avoiding temptation, but with freedom and life beckoning, he finally agrees to her conditions.
Together the unlikely pair flees, but the escape leaves Mihr close to death and in Fane’s care.
Soon both Heaven and Hell will come for them and they have to make a choice – Die, or stay together.
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