The Adventures of Mooty was first published as a 10-part series of children's stories in 1980, depicting the adventures of a loveable little mouse who endears himself to a community of animals, birds and insects and becomes their hero.
Four decades on, Mooty continues to charm children and adults alike.
Author Jessie's reflections on Mooty Plays Hide-and-Seek: While playing with the baby animals, Mooty spies a tail and pulls it. It comes off and leaves one twin lizard in tears. But through this, the animals soon learn something amazing about lizards!
This story was inspired by a real incident that happened to me. When I Was trying to catch a lizard in my house, it left its tail behind to distract me and got away!
© 1980 by Jessie Wee. Published in paper format in Singapore by Marshall Cavendish International Asia, recorded by Storyside 2020.