the troops divided officers into two classes, the ‘come on’ and the ‘go on’, ‘and with us
Diegohas quoted7 years ago
That was murder, not warfare, and it enraged the Scots
Diegohas quoted7 years ago
Legend insists that the Rifles got their revenge by slicing the buttocks from some dead Frenchmen, smoking them and then selling them as hams to the Brunswickers.
Diegohas quoted7 years ago
‘It’s like a boxing match, the more you punch the better it is.’
Diegohas quoted7 years ago
Napoleon was nothing if not confident. ‘I will arrive in Paris’, he told his troops, ‘without firing a shot!’
Diegohas quoted7 years ago
Did he remember that place? In time he would never forget it. It was called Waterloo.
Arif Shahhas quoted7 years ago
to filter out what was unthreatening and to concentrate on what was essential.
Diegohas quoted7 years ago
We might know how it ends, but like all good stories it bears repetition. So here it is again, the story of a battle.