Israel Zangwill

Children of the Ghetto / A Study of a Peculiar People

  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    conception of Judaism as outlined in his first leader, his view of it as a happy human compromise between an empty unpractical spiritualism and a choked-up over-practical formalism, avoiding the opposite extremes of its offshoots, Christianity and Mohammedanism, was novel to many of his readers, unaccustomed to think about their faith.
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    the rival party it was mildly derided, though many fair-minded persons were impressed by the rather unusual combination of rigid orthodoxy with a high spiritual tone and Raphael's
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    But it will pay, it must pay; with you at the head of it,
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    Mr. Leon, a man whose fame and piety are known and respected wherever a Mezuzah adorns a door-post, a man who is in sympathy with the East End, and has the ear of the West, a man who will preach the purest Judaism in the best English, with such a man at the head of it, we shall be able to ask bigger prices for advertisements than the existing Jewish papers."
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    the constitution of things. Ah, I wish I could get you to see with the eyes of the great Rabbis and sages in Israel; to look on this human life of ours, not with the pessimism of Christianity, but as a holy and precious gift, to be enjoyed heartily yet spent in God's service—birth, marriage, death, all holy; good, evil, alike holy. Nothing on God's earth common or purposeless. Everything chanting the great song of God's praise; the morning stars singing together, as we say in the Dawn Service."
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    "But isn't that a narrow conception of God's revelation?" she asked.
    "No. Why should God not teach through a great race as through a great man?"
    "And you really think that Judaism is not dead, intellectually speaking?"
    "How can it die? Its truths are eternal, deep in human nature and
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    truly as Greece has taught beauty and science. Our miraculous survival through the cataclysms of ancient and modern dynasties is a proof that our mission is not yet over."
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    And we are proud and happy in that the dread Unknown God of the infinite Universe has chosen our race as the medium by which to reveal His will to the world. We are sanctified to His service. History testifies that this has verily been our mission, that we have taught the world religion as
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    A paper would be at once a pulpit, a medium for organizing effective human service, and an incentive to serious study in the preparation of scholarly articles.
  • lindsaydearingerhas quoted10 years ago
    Through this paper we can keep you and your orthodoxy constantly before the constituency. The poor people are quite fascinated by the idea of rich Jews like us keeping a strictly kosher table; but the image of a Member of Parliament with phylacteries on his forehead will simply intoxicate them."
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