The Humour of Holland is a delightful anthology that presents a rich tapestry of Dutch humor, ranging from witty anecdotes to satirical commentaries on societal norms. This collection showcases the unique literary style inherent in Dutch comedy, characterized by its blend of dry wit and playful irreverence. The authors draw upon the rich cultural context of the Netherlands, juxtaposing historical references with contemporary observations, thereby creating a humorous lens through which readers can explore the complexities of Dutch life and identity. The anthology features contributions from various eminent Dutch authors and comedians, some of whom have had long-standing careers in literature and theater. Their backgrounds, steeped in the nuances of Dutch culture and everyday experiences, inform their creative works. This compilation reflects both the authors' understanding of humor's role in society and their desire to highlight the quirks that define the human condition in the Netherlands, making it a vibrant language of laughter and insight. The Humour of Holland is not only a joy to read but serves as an essential reference for anyone wishing to understand the cultural fabric of the Netherlands. It invites readers, both connoisseurs of humor and curious newcomers, to revel in the laughter that transcends borders, making it a highly recommended addition to literary collections.