The 'Holy Grail' of physics, is to obtain a “Theory of Everything”, from quarks to cosmology. This book is aimed at introducing the layman to some of the modern scientific ideas of high energy particle physics. It begins by giving a brief historical account and then introduces some of the key concepts that scientists have developed in order to get a unifying understanding of these laws. Most of the explanation is given in terms of coloured diagrams and simple descriptions, without recourse to the difficult mathematics that is inherent in this subject. The book gives an overview of some of the cutting edge areas of physics, with no previous knowledge assumed. Topics covered include gravity, electromagnetism, the strong and weak nuclear interactions, quantum theory and cosmology. It is just one of a series of books based on modern physics. Other titles include;
Special Relativity: A concise guide for beginners
General Relativity: A concise guide for beginners
Quantum Theory: A concise guide for beginners