
Vex King

  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    Looking to others for inspiration
    is fine, but there’s a difference
    between inspiration and envy.
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    Comparing our lives with others’ that we see online is a waste of energy. People only share photos in which they look attractive, happy and successful; not when they’re tired, scared and lonely
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    I’ve come across people who are completely different on social media from who they are in real life. The truth is distorted with filters and inspirational captions to make everything seem better than it is. We all know this, but it’s easy to forget
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    Have you considered that you might be comparing your life with those of people who use social media to fill a void in themselves because they’ve forgotten how to practise self-love?
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    This isn’t about what other people are doing or sharing online. It’s not about what they’re up to in life or how far they’ve gone. It’s about you. Your competition is you. Outdoing yourself is your daily task, and that’s where your comparison should be directed: on the person you were yesterday. If you want to be the greatest version of yourself, you have to keep the focus on your own life and goals.
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    Competing with others encourages
    bitterness, not betterment
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    No two single journeys are the same. You’re on your own path. We all move through life at our own pace and reach different stages at different times. Someone else might already be at the most interesting part of their show while you’re still making preparations behind the scenes for yours. This doesn’t mean that you won’t get your opportunity to get on stage and shine.
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    Look at other people’s lives and applaud their successes. And then continue to pursue your own. Be grateful for what you have right now. And remember how far you’ve come as you continue in the direction of your dreams
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    We assume success is about being famous, rich
    and owning expensive things. But if you’ve pulled
    yourself out of a dark place, that’s a great success in
    itself. Don’t forget that you’re winning each day you
    don’t give up and you make it through to the next.
  • Vuyi Nenehas quoted2 years ago
    You have to give yourself a pat on the back every now and then. You’ve done things some people said you couldn’t do. You’ve done things even you thought you couldn’t do. Be proud of yourself. You’ve fought hard to get where you are today. Acknowledging this will bring contentment and raise your vibration.
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