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Jimmy Cooper

Body Language

  • b5431698502has quoted2 years ago
    you care about them. That’s why the best public speakers always look like they’re looking directly at you.
  • b5431698502has quoted2 years ago
    When speaking to a crowd, you should always try to make eye contact with every section of the crowd so they feel like
  • Nezhas quoted2 years ago
    Chin Back and Down

    When someone does this, it could mean the person feels judging o
  • b0737859652has quoted2 years ago
    As they’re trying to open up to you, they may have their palms open. Whenever they want to express anger, they’ll ball their fists
  • Francis Sarabiahas quoted7 days ago
    They say that the eyes are the portal to your soul,
  • Francis Sarabiahas quoted7 days ago
    There are many things in adult life that no one seems to teach you about. Learning experiences may vary, but many valuable life skills seem untaught in the modern education system, and one of them being body language.
  • Lazar Joksimovichas quoted21 days ago
    Excessive Blinking
    If someone blinks a lot, it’s pretty easy to notice. It’s easy to dismiss this as there being something in that person’s eye, but there are other reasons they may be blinking excessively as well. For example, they may be under a lot of stress, and their eye is twitching. Or, the person could be telling a lie, and the nervous blinking is a giveaway.
    Blinking a lot could be a sign that someone’s romantically interested in you as well. Combined with the sideways glance, and you may be onto something.
  • Lazar Joksimovichas quoted21 days ago
    Sideways Looking
    Whenever someone is distracted, they may look sideways. Maybe they heard something, or saw something in the corner of their eye. Always look in their direction and see if there’s anything you might have missed.
    Another reason someone may be looking sideways is because the person didn’t like what you said. It may be a sign that they’re irritated. If you say something and the person looks to the side, ask if the comment hurt them.
    A quick, sideways glance could be a sign of flirtation, too. It’s a way for someone to express romantic interest without directly telling someone. Of course, don’t assume someone loves you just because they do that!
  • Lazar Joksimovichas quoted21 days ago
    Looking Down
    If you’re talking to someone and they’re always looking down, it could be a sign that they’re afraid, guilty, or submissive. Instead of looking at you, they’re looking at the floor. Depending on the context of what is happening, this could mean any of the mentioned aspects. If they’re facing left while looking down, this could indicate they’re talking to themselves. If they’re facing right, they could be thinking about something personal. Of course, these directions could be switched from person to person.
    If the person you’re talking to is from another culture, it may be normal for them to look down. In some countries, eye contact is a sign of disrespect, and is avoided whenever possible.
  • Lazar Joksimovichas quoted21 days ago
    meone lying, see what direction they’re facing. It could be a way for you to determine if they’re lying about anything else.
    If they are looking up, but have their head down, there could be multiple ways to interpret this. The person could be judging you, or being suggestive.
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