allsafehas quoted6 years ago
I only know that you and I look at it in quite a different light. I am learning, too, that the law is quite another thing from what I supposed; but I find it impossible to convince myself that the law is right. According to it a woman has no right to spare her old dying father, or to save her husband's life. I can't believe that.
Helmer. You talk like a child. You don't understand the conditions of the world in which you live.
Nora. No, I don't. But now I am going to try. I am going to see if I can make out who is right, the world or I.
Helmer. You are ill, Nora; you are delirious; I almost think you are out of your mind.
Nora. I have never felt my mind so clear and certain as tonight.
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