b3992406548has quoted9 years ago
2. Speak about yourself. Choose the correct variant.
Расскажите о себе. Выберите верный вариант предложения.
1. I am / am not married.
2. My country is / is not big.
3. The day is / isn’t lovely.
4. My friends are / aren’t from Italy.
5. My children are / aren’t big.
6. My name is / isn’t Ann.
7. My work is / isn’t interesting.
8. My company is / isn’t good.
9. I am / am not a manager.
10. My town is / isn’t in the north.
Close your eyes. Try to recollect as many sentences as possible.
Закройте глаза. Постарайтесь вспомнить как можно больше предложений из только ч
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