Вита Копицаhas quoted10 years ago
Three dollars was not a very large sum, to be sure, but to one who had been so near destitution as Philip it seemed very important. Besides, he had discovered in his violin a source of income, whereas, hitherto, he had looked upon it merely as a source of amusement. This made him feel more independent and self-reliant. He had walked perhaps two miles, when he heard the rattle of wheels behind him. He did not turn his head, for there was nothing strange in this sound upon a frequented road. He did turn his head, however, when he heard a strong voice calling "Hello!" Turning, he saw that a young man who was driving had slackened the speed of his horse, and was looking toward him. Philip halted, and regarded the driver inquiringly. "You're the young chap that played for a dance last night, ain't you!" said the newcomer. "Yes, sir."
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