b9579755262has quoted5 years ago
Response-able now
We often choose not to respond with definite actions. We procrastinate and we seek to delay things if we’re feeling lazy, tired, unsure or worried about the results. The way of the Ninja will help to challenge your thinking and develop new habits so that you’re proactively looking for ways to respond, rather than for ways to avoid and defer.
• Response-able later
You don’t want to worry about what could go wrong on all the other projects that you’re not working on right now. We’ll set up systems so that you always know what your next move will be on any given project and so that you know that these systems will keep things under control for you.
• Response-able if the crap hits the fan
When you have to drop everything to deal with a crisis, it’s much easier if you have a sure-fire way of knowing or remembering what you’ve dropped. The systems and techniques in this book will make it easier to respond when such moments come along, ensuring full focus on the job at hand.
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