
Books in the “Business development” bookshelf created by mivanova98904

mivanova98904added a book to the bookshelfBusiness development9 years ago
This book is all about the professional and business lessons. It all centers around choosing happiness and helping others finding happiness, too.
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mivanova98904added a book to the bookshelfBusiness development9 years ago
For generations, we have focused on the individual drivers of success: passion, hard work, talent, and luck. But today, success is increasingly dependent on how we interact with others. It turns out that at work, most people operate as either takers, matchers, or givers. Whereas takers strive to get as much as possible from others and matchers aim to trade evenly, givers are the rare breed of people who contribute to others without expecting anything in return.
mivanova98904added a book to the bookshelfBusiness development9 years ago
“Great leadership is about making a difference and transforming organisations and lives for the better – not just grabbing the money and running. It’s about belief, inspiration and purpose. That’s what sets the great organisation and its leaders apart.”

- Chris Roebuck
mivanova98904added a book to the bookshelfBusiness development9 years ago
There are living companies and there are those that are stagnant. The stagnant companies will never survive for long because the business world is constantly changing. That’s why it’s important to have a “learning organization.” That means your company changes along with the industry. And that’s the only way for a healthy professional life these days.
mivanova98904added a book to the bookshelfBusiness development9 years ago
How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. Whether or not you’re a fan of Steve Jobs’ innovations, it’s hard to deny that he could give a great presentation. He had a passion that was unrivaled. He believed in his product and in his company, and that shined through clearly and strongly. The book takes you through the impact Steve Jobs had on the public and his competition
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