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Inglis dilini öyrənmək üçün psixologiya, motivasiya və fərdi inkişaf üzrə pulsuz kitab seçməsi.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    The Time Machine is the novel that gave us the concept of — and even the word for — a «time machine». While it’s not Wells’ first story involving time travel, it is the one that most fully fleshes out the concept of a device that can send a person backwards and forwards in time with complete precision. Time machines have since become a staple of the science fiction and fantasy genres, making The Time Machine one of the most deeply influential science fiction novels of the era.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. It was first published on 14 October 1892; the individual stories had been serialised in The Strand Magazine between July 1891 and June 1892. The stories are not in chronological order, and the only characters common to all twelve are Holmes and Dr. Watson. The stories are related in first-person narrative from Watson's point of view.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    When the doctor advises Bertie to live the quiet life, he and Jeeves head for the pure air and peace of Maiden Eggesford. However, they hadn't reckoned on Bertie's irrepressible but decidedly scheming Aunt Dahlia around whom an imbroglio of impressive proportions develops involving The Cat Which Kept Popping Up When Least Expected. As Bertie observes, whatever aunts are, they are not gentlemen.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    The Secret Adversary, Agatha Christie’s second novel, introduces Tommy and Tuppence, the two much-loved mystery-solving adventurers.
    The novel centers around a mysterious young girl, suffering from amnesia, who was present on the sinking of the Lusitania. As Tommy and Tuppence try to unravel the mystery, they find themselves embroiled with mysterious millionaires and the dangerous politics of nation-states.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    Robinson Crusoe is of the most popular books ever written in the English language, published in innumerable editions and translated into almost every language of the world, not to mention the many versions created in film, television and even radio. First published in 1719, it can also claim to be one of the first novels ever written in English.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    An uncompromising and self-destructive deserts his wife, family, business, and civilization for his art. Shedding harsh light on an artist's ego, Maugham reveals the lengths to which one man will go to focus on his art. Written in 1919, this unforgettable story is timeless in its appeal.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books2 years ago
    Martin Eden, Jack London’s semiautobiographical novel about a struggling young writer, is considered by many to be the author’s most mature work. Personifying London’s own dreams of education and literary fame as a young man in San Francisco, Martin Eden’s impassioned but ultimately ineffective battle to overcome his bleak circumstances makes him one of the most memorable and poignant characters Jack London ever created.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Ustad Leonardo da Vinçinin kitabında incəsənət və həyat barədə ən vacıb və ən inanılmaz fikirləri. O qədər vaxt keçsə də, indiyə kimi aktual qalır.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Conversation — düzgün ünsiyyət qurma dərsləri. Çox vaxt bizi düzgün başa düşmürlər çünki biz söhbətimizin mövzusuna uyğun üsul seçmirik. Bu kitab hər ünsiyyət aktını düzgün qurmaq üçün gözəl və faydalı məsləhətlərlə doludur.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Deyl Karneginin mükəmməl stildə yazılan non-fikşn. Onu sevən hər kəs üçün maraqlı və faydalı olacaq.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Psixoloq Uilyam Henry Payl bizə psixologiyanın əsaslarını və tarixini başa salır. Dünya psixologiyanın metodları, psixoanaliz və insan beyninin sirrləri sizi bu kitabda gözləyir.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Yaradıcılıq, öyrənmə prosesi necə baş verir? Onu necə yaxşılaşdırmaq olar? Yaddaşı necə gücləndirmək lazımdır? Bu kitabda cavabları tapacaqsınız
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Fərdi inkişaf ədəbiyyatın klassikası.Karyera, şəxsi həyat, idman, xobbi və başqa şeylərə həmişə vaxt tapmaq üçün bu kitabı oxuyun.
    Bookmateadded a book to the bookshelfFree English Books8 years ago
    Müasir sosial şəbəkələrdə ünsiyyət quran gənclər barədə psixologiya və sosiologiya üzrə gözəl non-fikşn
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