The use of mixins with arguments really shines in CSS3, where we often repeat vendor-prefixed rules throughout the stylesheet to achieve rounded corners, drop shadows, gradients, transitions, etc.
Olzhas Murtazinhas quoted10 years ago
Commenting can be frequent and detailed without the worry of adding extraneous bloat to the CSS output.
Olzhas Murtazinhas quoted10 years ago
Single-line comments use the // prefix at the beginning of each line and aren’t included in the final output, so you can safely use them for private comments
Olzhas Murtazinhas quoted10 years ago
can also tell Sass to watch an entire directory, rather than just a single stylesheet.
Olzhas Murtazinhas quoted10 years ago
’re on a Mac (and hooray for you, should you be so lucky), installing Sass couldn’t be simpler. Mac OS X comes preinstalled with Ruby, and Sass is packaged as a Ruby “gem,” which is a clever programmer term for a Ruby application.
Olzhas Murtazinhas quoted10 years ago
Once you try it, you’ll likely stick with it permanently.