This story is part of a series. Ricky Davis is in the Navy. After being arreed for drug smuggling he is being escorted through the hangar deck of the aircraft carrier he is on when meteorites enter the atmosphere in that hemisphere. Many things are hit and damaged by the meteorites, including the ship he is on. He is critically injured and taked to a hopsital where his wounds are treated.
Dust from a meteorite got on Ricky, at the same time when a container of nuclear material being transported through the hangar deck broke open. The combination of both have an unusual affect on Ricky.
Ricky is stronger, and is able to heal from wounds quickly. And, he can change shape. Not only in appearance, but in size.
Though doing illegal activity at the beginning, Ricky realizes he has a gift, a responsibility to help others and do good things with the abilities he has, and that is what be sets out to do.