bookmate game
Anthea Peries

Food Cravings

  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Most likely, after an hour, your craving has subsided and you forget your desire.
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Remember that it is not an emergency or urgent matter. Some cravings sizzle like firecrackers, others are slow to burn but persistent. Be calm and wait
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Cravings are instant desire to eat something. But it is temporary and fleeting. Once you learn to identify whether it is just a fleeting craving or real hunger, you will be able to manage your personal eating habits better. You will see that cravings can be curbed without being miserable.
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    If you know what triggers your food cravings, learn to stay away from them as much as you can.
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    If you constantly crave for ice cream, replace it with frozen yogurt or sugar-free ice cream
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Try avoiding trigger unhealthy foods for 21-day period

    All habits become autopilot within 21 days. If you want to change your food craving habit, try to recondition yourself and avoid at least one comfort food for 21 days.
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Relying on self-will and self-obsession that lead to despair when results are not seen
    Tendency to feel that their lives will be better if some people or situations would change
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Becoming depressed, ashamed, sad or hopeless about their weight or eating behavior
    Overeating when upset
    Eating to reward themselves for doing something good
    Noticing that their emotions become more unreasonable, intense or severe after eating addictive food
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Avoiding social interactions because they think that they do not look good or the clothes do not fit them
  • Andreahas quoted4 years ago
    Intense or obsessive thinking for specific food
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