Sometimes, you do things and you do them not because you’re thinking but because you’re feeling. Because you’re feeling too much. And you can’t always control the things you do when you’re feeling too much.
fadilanur1999has quoted5 years ago
poems were like people. Some people you got right off the bat. Some people you just didn’t get—and never would get.
Montenique Smithhas quoted3 years ago
The problem with my life was that it was someone else’s idea.
eindrastika25has quoted3 years ago
Sometimes, I think everyone is like the people in that painting, everyone lost in their own private universes of pain or sorrow or guilt, everyone remote and unknowable. The painting reminds me of you. It breaks my heart.
eindrastika25has quoted3 years ago
And anyway, being smart isn’t everything. People just make fun of you. My dad says it’s all right if people make fun of you. You know what he said to me? He said, ‘Dante, you’re an intellectual. That’s who you are. Don’t be ashamed of that.’”
eindrastika25has quoted3 years ago
It was an art book filled with the work of Mexican painters. He seemed so adult, not like a fifteen-year-old at all. Somehow, even his long hair that he didn’t like to comb made him seem more adult.
sari hdzhas quoted4 years ago
Summer had come and gone. And the world was ending.
sari hdzhas quoted4 years ago
Somehow I’d hoped that this would be the summer that I would discover that I was alive. The world my mom and dad said was out there waiting for me. That world doesn’t actually exist.
sari hdzhas quoted4 years ago
I HATED LIVING IN THE SMALL AND CLAUSTROPHOBIC atmosphere of my house. It didn’t feel like home anymore. I felt like an unwanted guest. I hated being waited on all the time. I hated that my parents were so patient with me. I did. That’s the truth. They didn’t do anything wrong. They were just trying to help me. But I hated them. And I hated Dante too.
And I hated myself for hating them. So there it was, my own vicious cycle. My own private universe of hate.
sari hdzhas quoted4 years ago
this sad. I have never been this sad. I have never been this sad