If you want to sell your book abroad, you should be clear about what you are likely to achieve and set reasonable goals. You need to integrate your marketing approach and engage your global audience, which involves online demographic research to develop a profile of your international readers. Once you have to decide which countries you are going to focus on, you need to ensure that your message is clear and consistent, that you stay on message, and that you drive the conversation with your potential readers and gain their respect. You will need to decide when to weigh in and blitz the global market, you will need to be persistent, will need to upload rich content to secure new readers worldwide and retain them as loyal readers, reviewers and recommenders of your work. You will also need to monitor and track their posting activities and interests, and their buying habits and preferences. This book will tell you how, and will point you in the direction of virtual rights agencies that can help you showcase your work more widely and even sell rights in different formats to the global marketplace.