ssociation with the wise. KRISHNAMURTI: No, with good people.
Mariana Guzunchthas quoted3 years ago
You are not concerned with beauty, you are concerned with the pursuit of pleasure
Mariana Guzunchthas quoted3 years ago
a human being there is a division—why? What is the “raison d’être”, what is the structure of this division? I
Mariana Guzunchthas quoted3 years ago
You yourself see that that moment of beauty becomes a memory, then the memory says, “It was so beautiful I must have it again.” You are not concerned with beauty, yo
Mariana Guzunchthas quoted3 years ago
Thought is always operating in knowledge, isn’t it? If there was no knowledge, thought would not be. Thought is always operating in the field of the known.
Mariana Guzunchthas quoted3 years ago
want to find out what is holy, not man-made holiness. I can only find out when the mind has immense space. And it cannot have that immense space if there is a centre.
Mariana Guzunchthas quoted3 years ago
whether the centre can be completely empty? That centre is consciousness. That centre is the content of consciousness, the content is consciousness; there is no consciousness if there is no content. You must work this out . . .