Mobile apps are easy to install, and even easier to delete
kaknazarhas quoted5 years ago
Mobile apps, moreso than any other kind of app, depend on usability and performance. Why? Because that is what consumers expect and demand.
kaknazarhas quoted5 years ago
As you use it, think like an investigator
kaknazarhas quoted5 years ago
Gathering User Information
To start off, we found out as much information about our end users as we possibly could. Then we tried to use the software the way they would. And we evaluated the software to gather this kind of information:
kaknazarhas quoted5 years ago
Use the software Observe what is going on Evaluate its effectiveness Investigate anything that piques your curiosity Record and report anything interesting
kaknazarhas quoted5 years ago
How do you start testing software? You just start using it.” -Javan Gargus