-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en»> http-equiv=content-type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859–1"> The Handbooks series aims to integrate knowledge of communication structures and processes. It is also dedicated to cultural and epistemological diversity, covering work originating from around the globe and often applying very different scholarly approaches.
The series is divided into volumes that address the following themes:
Under the rubric “Messages, Codes and Channels,” individual volumes address non-verbal, verbal, and visual communication, as well as communication and technology; Volumes in the “Mode of Address, Communication Situations and Context” section are devoted to interpersonal communication (narrowcasting ), broadcasting and organizational communication; Another section features three volumes that cover the “Methodology” of communication science; The extensive section on “Application Areas” features volumes devoted to marketing, science communication, health communication, political communication and other areas; The introductory volume to the series is concerned with Theories and Models of Communication; Finally, the last volume in the series will be devoted to “Futures” for communication science. The series as a whole aims at meeting the needs of undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and researchers across the area of communication studies. Ultimately, the Handbooks of Communication Science are a comprehensive summation of the field in the early decades of the 21st century.