The most influential speakers are often economical in their use of words.
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted6 years ago
We all have routines. Most organisations have patterns of activity and behaviour
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted6 years ago
Agreeing on expectations in advance reduces the leeway for ambiguity and provides clarity towards your goals.
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted6 years ago
IT IS ALWAYS worth ensuring that there is clarity of expectations. If there is ambiguity or uncertainty, there are bound to be dissatisfied people. Your
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted7 years ago
In one particular organisation, feedback is always requested from the receptionist who meets interviewees at the front door to see how the potential candidates have treated the people they met.
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted7 years ago
A good question is like a spear that goes straight to the heart. There is no escape from a good question which prompts thought and action. Questions are part of your weapons of influence and impact.
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted7 years ago
If someone is predictable we tend to write them off. We tell ourselves that we know what they are going to say and, therefore, we do not really need to listen to them
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted7 years ago
Know what people will visualise as you tell them a story and ensure that you include these visual elements.
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted7 years ago
When you have a story you want to use in a presentation, practice it and then practice it again at half the original length, and then at a quarter of the original length. This helps hone down any story to key phrases.
Thomas Munk Christensenhas quoted7 years ago
you are ill-prepared, you can be caught off guard. If you over prepare, you can be too constrained and not adaptable to the mood.