Separate Each Interest Level
It’s really important to separate each “interest” when creating the ad. Don’t create one ad lumping all interests together. For example, if you’re a motivational speaker, don’t put “happiness,” “depression,” “self-help,” “motivation,” “inspiring,” and the like in the same ad set. Create a separate ad for each of those interests. You should do this for two reasons: First, lumping all the interests together doesn’t allow you to learn. If all the interests are listed in the same ad, you won’t know which specific interest is driving the performance. Second, separating interests allows you to maximize the reach of the creative. If you have ten interests and they’re all lumped into one, you can’t create multiple duplicates of the ad. However, if you take the same piece of creative and build a separate ad for each of those ten interests, you’ll have ten ads that are running at $25, for a total of $250. Doing this allows you to further scale your ads.