Beneath the shimmering, suspended city of Aurithis lies the Luminous Hollow, a chasm of crystalline tunnels where dreams and nightmares take terrifying form. Once celebrated architect Krezan Volkov is exiled there, haunted by his catastrophic failure, and driven by whispers he can’t ignore. Rogue mage Eriquel Thorne seeks not power, but her lost sister, believing the Hollow's ancient skylight holds the key. As their paths collide, they must confront not only the Hollow’s monstrous creations—manifestations of their deepest fears—but also the dark secrets at the heart of Aurithis itself. A blind scholar guards ancient truths, a banished guard seeks vengeance, and the very fabric of reality frays in this breathtaking, terrifying descent. Will they survive the Hollow’s depths, or will they become another echo in its luminous embrace?