First Steps
While you look at yourself through someone else’s eyes, you are not free.
If you speak the words that have come from someone else’s mouth, you are not free.
When you say yes when your heart is screaming no, you are not free.
There are things we sacrifice for love, that we willingly give. But no one who loves you will ever ask you to give up more than you are willing.
Someone who has your heart is not entitled to your body. No one lays a finger on you without your permission.
No one makes you feel ashamed for knowing the people you’ve known. Or loving the people you’ve loved. Do not allow someone to undermine your past to appease their ego.
While you continue to compromise who you are, for the sake of another, you are not free.
When you find yourself compensating for someone else’s insecurities, you are not free.
If you find yourself worrying when you have done nothing wrong, you are not free.
First, you must recognize you are not free. Say it out loud to yourself. I am not free. Tell someone who cares about you. I am not free.
This is the first step you have taken back to yourself.