I lose my temper, I cry. I cry a lot. How can I not, seeing this kind of thing day in and day out? But I cling to the understanding that these cruel people are few and far between, and they aren’t necessarily fully bad, but just haven’t yet made that connection with empathy yet. Let’s face it, animal cruelty, and the odd person who will never have a shred of empathy, exist everywhere you go in the world. It was the large majority who could make that connection, and start treating dogs with more compassion, who I wanted to focus on.
It isn’t always easy to judge whether we are winning the battle of the hearts and minds of the locals, and I think it is such a gradual change that I don’t always notice it happening.
But when a tourist comments on how much healthier the dogs look in the area around Talalla Beach than the dogs they have seen everywhere else on their travels, or when a local proudly informs you that they are keeping their dog’s vaccination card up to date, that you think, okay, this is working.
It is a more recent example, but a great story about educating by example