Bora Chung

Cursed Bunny

  • Aida Rodriguezhas quoted4 months ago
    Parents who destroy their children’s lives, who suck the life out of their children’s futures, not only for the sake of maintaining their own illusions but also to zealously expand them into the lives of their children—such parents can almost be understood from the perspective of obsession. Following the words “Be grateful I raised you” is the implied clause “instead of killing you or leaving you for dead.” They probably mean it, too. My parents and their parents’ generations, after surviving the Korean War, had always, just like the generation that survived World War II, set their purpose not to live a human life but to have an animal’s instinct for survival.
  • Aida Rodriguezhas quoted4 months ago
    “I wonder why they can’t leave those terrible times behind. Whether in life or death.”

    “Trauma. Probably.”

    … If I could make a wish

    I want to be just a little happier
    If I become too happy

    I will miss sadness
  • Aida Rodriguezhas quoted4 months ago
    I didn’t believe I’d ever be back. As much as I loved the place, life doesn’t give such opportunities so readily, and I couldn’t continue this state of hovering between reality and unreality forever.

    That was probably why, when he suggested we go to his apartment, I accepted.

    … If I could make a wish

    I wouldn’t know what to say
    What should I wish for

    Bad times or good times …
  • Aida Rodriguezhas quoted4 months ago
    This love story is for you
  • Aida Rodriguezhas quoted4 months ago
    This was an escape. Tired, yes, and in pain, but he was free. Which was why even though he didn’t know where he was going, he rushed toward it.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quoted6 months ago
    The king of the desert was rage itself, and the prince was a curse.
  • Alejandra Espinohas quoted6 months ago
    It was beautiful. He couldn’t help thinking so when, for the first time, he could clearly see It by the light of the sun. It was truly, monstrously beautiful
  • Alejandra Espinohas quoted6 months ago
    That was the first time he sobbed in earnest. Not the cries of someone driven mad with fear, but the tears of someone who understood and was saddened by their own loneliness—the tears of a human being
  • Alejandra Espinohas quoted6 months ago
    But distinguishing between the three is now meaningless. Seth, Derek, and Model 1 are now synchronized. Their memories and thoughts are completely congruent, and they’re even physically connected to each other
  • shanhas quoted7 months ago
    Those who stare for too long at the sun are bound to go blind
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