ONE YEAR AFTER Kali Hooper defeated the Pale Lord, Bastion Redigor lives on in the body of Jakub Freel. The mysterious entity known as the Hel'ss, meanwhile, moves closer to Twilight, welcomed as the herald of their ascension by the Final Faith. Only Kali and her friends know the deadly reality of what this will bring, but they have been declared outlaws, hunted by the Order of The Swords of Dawn. So begins Kali's penultimate adventure, a quest far beyond the Stormwall to the mystical Trass Kathra, the Island of the Lost. Here she will suffer the trials of the Four to discover the true nature of Twilight's godsand her own shocking origin in the chaotic depths of the Thunderflux. Kali Hooper is dead, and this is the beginning of the end…