Важная книга.При этом она совершенно не только для писателей и людей творческих профессий.Слушала её в исполнении самой Гилберт на Audible -прекрасно читает и добавляет ещё яркости. Одна из немногих книг которую хочется купить в бумаге,чтобы положить на стол и перечитывать отрывки каждый день.
Is it terribly uncreative to say that this book was inspiring?
In general, this book talks about creativity and how important and fun it is to live a creative life. Indeed, I think, creativity and creative self-expression is an integral part of a happy life. We were all born creative humans and expressing ourselves through creativity - any and every form of art - is our birthright. You have to the right to create absolutely whatever you want to create. You are worthy of self-expression. You are allowed to speak your own truth. You have the right to have your own voice and your own vision. And we want to know your vision, ideas, thoughts, how you see the world. We want to see the world through your eyes. You were born to create, so go & beautify this world with your creations!
Творите, ради того чтобы творить! Делайте себя и мир лучше и ярче и ничего не бойтесь!
Just like always, Liz make non-fiction feels so intimate, so it feels like fiction (in the best sense of it).
Big Magic is like reading (and rereading) the letter from you beloved mentor, from your Teacher with a capital T, whom you may never met in person, but who is guiding you through ups and downs, through all the ”why am I doing it” to the better (I mean, braver you).
Reading takes a long time, mostly because you can’t even wait till the end of the sentence: you feel the urge to act immediately and can’t stand it.
Thank you, Liz, for being so transparent and so clear about your (creative) life.
Jeg synes det er en inspirerede og dejlig bog der prøver at beskrive kreativitet. Jeg nød den måde bogen er skrevet på og er enig med forfatteren i mange af tingene. Forfatteren formår at vise en ny side af kreativitet som jeg ikke havde set før! Overalt en god og hurtig bog
Успокаивает, когда мой мозг начинает психовать о работе
The reading to think about!
Self-help guide 👌🏽