“if you take the carriage round to the stables, you will find food and water for your horse.” - poor horse struggling against the weather 😭
As she did so, a shaft of bright moonlight streamed in through the long window, which was unshuttered. Prince Gregor drew in his breath. - dramatic lol...
She must not dream of those lips meeting hers, for she knew that they were cold lips and his heart cold too. - unusual statement for a BC novel. The crush presented almost immediately.
Boars’ heads leered from the walls, stuffed birds stared out from glass cases, bearskins adorned the floors and marble busts of long-dead ancestors were everywhere. - despicable room full of dead creatures 💔
She swallowed, as feelings surged in her that she dared not put a name to. - it's called a "crush" darling girl...
Prince Gregor dismounted, drew Konstantina down and then tied the mare to the rail of the pavilion. “I hope it’s merely a hailstorm,” he said. “If so, it will pass quickly.” So the horse is tied down and cannot seek shelter from the hailstorm. That's disgusting!
She reached up and placed a hand on the back of the Prince’s neck, willing him to remain locked with her in this paradise. - one usually never hears of the female lead being so ardent with her feelings this early on.
“She don’t care for that donkey!” - donkeys are wonderful, smart creatures. They do not deserve this ugly reputation nor miserable life they're forced to endure.