bookmate game
Patrick King

How to Talk to Anyone

  • prajilaprasai2069has quoted4 months ago
    The deepest craving in every human being is the desire to be appreciated.”
  • prajilaprasai2069has quoted4 months ago
    we are too busy in our own worlds to notice or appreciate others!


  • b0590413010has quoted5 months ago
    The thing to remember about tonality is that it is a purely emotional signal, and because of that, it is perceived before the rational component of your message. Rather than imagining that your tone of voice is like a garnish on your more logical verbal expression, remember that people make decisions not in spite of emotions, but because of them.
  • letavica88storehas quoted7 months ago
    Double click” on it to ask them to expand, to tell you more, to go deeper.
  • b8604841974has quoted7 months ago
    Unconsciously you are both becoming increasingly aware of a kind of physical synchronicity, “dynamic coupling,” and alignment
  • b8604841974has quoted7 months ago
    Unconsciously you are both becoming increasingly aware of a kind of physical synchronicity, “dynamic coupling,” and alignment.
  • letavica88storehas quoted8 months ago
    Believe, in that moment, that you are in the presence of the most important and interesting person in the universe – it will make more difference to your conversations than you can imagine
  • letavica88storehas quoted8 months ago
    yes, but” say “yes, and” (
  • b0590413010has quoted10 months ago
    Too many people make the mistake of thinking that being a good conversationalist is about saying intelligent or funny things, or being a fascinating person. Though this helps, what really makes people feel connected to you is synchronicity – are you on their wavelength? Do you get them? This is an emotional connection rather than a verbal or intellectual one.
  • Nina Irlhas quoted2 years ago
    we are too busy in our own worlds to notice or appreciate others!
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