Giorgio Agamben

The Highest Poverty

  • Jan Nohas quoted6 years ago
    cenoby” (koinos bios, the common life), the perfection of a common life in all and for all
  • Jan Nohas quoted7 years ago
    And what is a human life, if it can no longer be distinguished from the rule?
  • Jan Nohas quoted7 years ago
    radical reformulation of the very conceptuality that up until that moment articulated the relationship between human action and norm, “life” and “rule,
  • Jan Nohas quoted7 years ago
    These are not, at least at first glance, juridical works, even though they claim to regulate, often in fine detail and through precise sanctions, the life of a group of individuals.
  • Jan Nohas quoted7 years ago
    life that is linked so closely to its form that it proves to be inseparable from it
  • Jan Nohas quoted7 years ago
    dialectic that thus comes to be established between the two terms rule and life.
  • Jan Nohas quoted7 years ago
    which both rule and life lose their familiar meaning in order to point in the direction of a third thing.
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