Woow, esta novela es mi preferida de todas mis lecturas de este año hasta ahorita. Es muy triste ir descubriendo el dolor y la enfermedad emocional que estas mujeres van heredando de una a otra; el rencor que tal vez le guardaron al alma rota que fue la madre de cada una. Siempre estuve del lado de Blythe porque una sabe cuándo algo no anda bien con un hijo. Y me entristeció muchísimo el final de su personaje por siempre hacerle caso a su instinto.
this was definitely a book i could not put down. I think we are always made to believe that being a mother is the most easiest thing in the world. That you are going to have kids and that when u are a mother and you have a daughter you guys will be best friends. that is the kind of relationship i wish i have with one of my daughters. but more than anything its her father she prefers. its her father she notices when he is not in the house or when he is gone she constantly ask when he will be coming back and i am left asking if she feels the same about me too. i love her. and i am happy theres books that show us just how complicated relationships between parents and kids are