shit happens, deal with it, stop whining, take your medicine, grow the fuck up
sokolova0601has quoted2 years ago
shit happens, deal with it, stop whining
sokolova0601has quoted2 years ago
people were attacked and unfriended for backing the “wrong” candidate or having the “wrong” opinion or for simply stating the “wrong” belief. It was as if no one could differentiate between a living person and a string of words hastily typed out on a black sapphire screen.
Игорь Кириенковhas quoted4 years ago
And I never succumbed to the temptation to give an audience what I thought they might have wanted: I was the audience and I was writing to satisfy myself, and to relieve myself from pain.
Игорь Кириенковhas quoted4 years ago
Hypocrisy is the grease that keeps society functioning in an agreeable way.