“Everything we learn is permanently stored in the mind, although sometimes particular details are not accessible. With hypnosis, or other special techniques, these inaccessible details could eventually be recovered.”
洪一萍has quoted5 years ago
The techniques existed not just to memorize useless information like decks of playing cards, but also to etch into the brain foundational texts and ideas.
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
Dead Reckoning: Calculating Without Instruments
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
Progressive education reform has accomplished many things. It has made school a lot more pleasant, and a lot more interesting. But it’s also brought with it costs for us as individuals and as citizens. Memory is how we transmit virtues and values, and partake of a shared culture.
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
My own impression of Mind Mapping, having tried the technique to outline a few parts of this book, is that much of its usefulness comes from the mindfulness necessary to create the map
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
what a wild frontier the world of brain science is, and how much people want to believe that their memories are improvable
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
Where do new ideas come from if not some alchemical blending of old ideas? In order to invent, one first needed a proper inventory, a bank of existing ideas to draw on
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
They develop strategies for consciously keeping out of the autonomous stage while they practice by doing three things: focusing on their technique, staying goal-oriented, and getting constant and immediate feedback on their performance.
Sol Correahas quoted2 years ago
Total Recall: How the E-Memory Revolution Will Change Everything.
b8777675153has quoted4 years ago
forgetting, not remembering, that is the essence of what makes us human. To make sense of the world, we must filter it. “To think,” Borges writes, “is to forget.”