Pick some people who you have admired for their achievements. These can be historical figures, for example, who embodied principles you’d like to have in your own life. Some frequently admired people include Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon, Henry Ford, Dale Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill and so on. Pick out about nine or ten people.
Just before going to sleep each night, sit in a quiet place where you can be alone with your thoughts. Imagine sitting in a council with these men and women. Imagine you are discussing with each of these people how to build a character that is a composite of the best traits of every person in the group.
This will create a fertile environment for self-suggestion - the principle by which characters are built. This will then lead to the transmuting of desire into reality.
Specifically address each of the people in your mind’s eye and ask their advice on how to develop similar character qualities. Ask them to influence you through your sixth sense. Let each of them develop their own imagined personality and character traits as you mentally visit with them. Study and read all you can about each man to increase your depth of understanding about their lives.