This book traces the progress of the coronavirus from his start in China to its worldwide spread as a pandemic. It documents the progress of Covid 19, from the first plane loads of people arriving from China, in which nearly everyone on the plane was infected. It then tracks the disastrous infection of people under continuous care in hospitals. Then came the return of students to school and the spread of virus continued. The book tracks the disastrous medical advice from the CDC with prescribed six-foot distancing indoors and outdoors. The television cameras showed thousands of people ignoring that advice and then the politicians panicked and sent people home, where they proceeded to socialize as they would have outdoors and in so doing completed the final stage of the off-season flu epidemic. The book examines what might've been done at each stage to prevent it. Covid 19 epidemic. It traces each step to show how the disease was actually telling the doctors what to do. But the doctors were more interested in treating symptoms than in preventing the spread of the disease. The book of concludes with some practical steps that people can take to avoid contracting this, or any other, virus.