Think of the psychological damage; the sadness of feeling let down by your own appearance, inwardly thin and outwardly fat, thwarted by your lack of self-control, sabotaged by your greed and fleshiness, so ashamed that you eat in secret, or binge and then purge, or pretend you're not hungry when you are. Look at the tyranny of the diet industry, the impossible size zero culture and the celebrity-obsessed media, the disconnect between the way we ought to look and the way we are. Isn't it time we took this seriously, when the majority of us are living with constant hunger, wasting hours at the gym, detesting our bodies every morning, feeling guilty with every mouthful, putting our lives on hold until we've lost those hateful ten pounds?
Imagine not caring about your so-called flaws or comparing your shape to that of others, imagine never getting depressed by perfect women in advertisements or on television. Imagine eating in response to your hunger cues and not to your emotions, imagine never going on a diet, never using food as a reward or a punishment. Imagine never weighing yourself or even wanting to lose weight. Imagine not having forbidden foods, not ordering a salad when you really want fish and chips, imagine not minding what your friends eat or what size they are.